Parking Policy

Southern Crescent Technical College will not be responsible for any loss, theft, vandalism, or damage incurred while parked on Southern Crescent Technical College property. It is the responsibility of individuals who operate vehicles on the campus to be aware of all parking regulations and abide by them. Operating a vehicle on Southern Crescent Technical College property will be seen as proof of willingness to accept and abide by the set rules and regulations. The driver assumes full responsibility for the operation and parking of a motor vehicle on college property.

It is the policy of Southern Crescent Technical College to establish rules and regulations for our campus community that will ensure an orderly flow of motor vehicle traffic, maximize available campus parking, and allow for safe and reasonable access to campus facilities. The college attempts to enforce these regulations consistently and fairly; however, the fact that a particular infraction goes undetected does not excuse other infractions. Infractions should be reported to a campus security officer. Inclement weather conditions do not alter any of the provisions of these regulations.

Parking Procedures

Southern Crescent Technical College is responsible for establishing and maintaining the signs and markings necessary to enforce parking regulations. Vehicles may be operated or parked on college property only in areas designated by signs, street markings, or the college map. All members of the college community must accept the obligation to observe the following rules and regulations. Please read carefully.

*Rules and regulations are subject to change and updates will be provided accordingly.

Rules and Regulations

How do I get a parking decal or Visitor parking permit

All faculty, staff, and student vehicles parked on campus (including motorcycles and mopeds) must register their vehicle by the seventh calendar day of the semester of their initial enrollment.

Required vehicle registration information and location:

  1. Name
  2. Year, make, model, color
  3. Tag number and state
  4. Students register vehicle at cashier’s window
  5. Faculty and staff register vehicle with the Campus Security Office
  • Parking decals must be displayed and clearly visible on the lower left rear windshield on the outside of the vehicle.
  • All motorcycles, mopeds, and motor scooters must have the decal permanently affixed to the left front shock in a clearly visible manner.
  • Students enrolled in designated specialty classes through the Economic Development division will receive temporary parking permits for those specific classes.
  • Temporary permits must be clearly displayed on the dashboard of the assigned vehicle.
  • Cost of replacement or additional decal is $5.00.
  • Any vehicle parked on campus without a decal or temporary parking permit may be ticketed.
  • All parking is on a first-come basis unless otherwise stated.
  • Employees are entitled to park in all parking areas except reserved and visitor spaces, although, it is recommended employees park in the employee parking areas.

Where can I Park Without Getting a Ticket?

  • Visitor spaces do not require a visitor’s pass and are intended for short-term parking not to exceed one hour. Visitor passes entitling individuals to park for longer periods in regular spaces are available in each of the college’s divisions hosting the guest.
  • Parking inside of the gated areas is strictly prohibited, unless otherwise stated. Any unauthorized vehicle parked inside these areas will be ticketed or removed at the owners expense depending on the situation (this will be determined by the Police Department).
  • Handicapped parking permits or license plates will permit any qualifying individual to park in handicapped parking spaces. However, currently enrolled students must complete the college’s vehicle registration process as all others.
  • Areas designated for handicapped parking have been established according to ADA requirements and are clearly marked.
  • Spaces that have been reserved for faculty and staff will be clearly marked.
  • Spaces that have been reserved for visitors have been established and are clearly marked.
  • Students are not authorized to park in visitor’s parking spaces under any circumstances.
  • Parking designated for Veterans is clearly marked and is only authorized for veterans with applicable parking permit displayed.

Rules of the road on campus

The following practices are specifically prohibited:

  • Double parking
  • Parking on the left side of street facing traffic
  • Parking over a white line or across the line indicating a parking space
  • Parking on grass, landscaped areas, sidewalks, or other areas not designated as parking areas
  • Parking in front of a driveway, doorway, steps, or in any manner that blocks traffic, parked vehicles or roadways, or hinders the passage of pedestrians or vehicles
  • Parking in fire lanes, loading zones, tow-away zones and no parking zones
  • Parking in a handicapped area without the proper decal displayed Parking an unregistered vehicle, except for visitors, anywhere on the Southern Crescent Technical College campus
  • Reckless driving
  • Campus speed limit is 15 miles per hour

Being late for classes or appointments does not constitute a valid excuse for violating a parking regulation. These parking regulations, as well as all applicable state and local laws including but not limited to that dealing with stop signs and speed limits, will be enforced by campus police/security officers.

Penalties or What’s this going to cost me?

Students with unpaid parking tickets jeopardize their chance for continuation of classes or readmission to programs. The College will not issue transcripts until all outstanding fines and charges are paid.

Fines are as follows: $10.00 fine for each offence:

  • Not parked within painted lines or designated space
  • Parked along yellow curb (fire lane), tow-away zone, or loading zone
  • Parked beyond posted time limit
  • Parked on grass, curb, or illegally in road way
  • Parked in Faculty/Staff area without proper decal
  • Failure to register a vehicle or properly display decal
  • Parked in a College service vehicle space without proper decal
  • Parked in a reserved parking space without proper decal
  • Careless driving on campus
  • Driving a motor vehicle on lawn or walking service

$25.00 minimum fine:

  • Parked in or blocking access to a handicap space may be subject to state of Georgia and local laws resulting in higher fines
  • Parked in or blocking access to a visitor space

When will we tow your car

Parking a motor vehicle on college property is restricted to visitors using designated spaces and to individuals who have properly registered their vehicle and display a valid parking decal. All other vehicles will be considered illegally parked and will be fined $10.00 for the first offense.

A second violation of this offense may result in suspension and/or towing of vehicle at violator’s expense. Disabled vehicles must be reported to the campus police/security officers immediately. Such vehicles must be attended to within 24 hours of the breakdown unless a campus police officer grants a time extension or risk being towed.

*Fines listed are also subject to state and local laws.

What do we enforce

Campus police/security officers enforce all state laws, local laws, and college regulations. All regulations and ordinances are enforced in a consistent manner without preference. All accidents involving a motor vehicle on campus must be reported to the campus police/security officers at the time of the accident. A parking ticket shall not be discussed with the issuing officer except for clarification of the charge. Issuing officers have no authority to rescind a ticket once issued.

How to pay fines

Payment for Southern Crescent Technical College parking tickets must be made to the Administrative Services division (cashier windows) in the main building during normal business hours. All fines are to be paid within a period of seven (7) calendar days from the date of issue.

How to appeal a parking ticket

If an individual wishes to appeal a parking ticket, he/she must submit a letter of appeal within seven (7) calendar days from the date of issue. The letter of appeal must be returned to the Administrative Services division (cashier window) in the main building. Appeals will be heard by a Southern Crescent Technical College ad hoc committee of the Facilities and Operations team.

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